Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fun Facts

Hey guys, we're still working on "The Book". So here is a little post to keep you interested in Jabber Jay until we're done!

Fun Facts

Books(in general)
  1. One out of every eight letters you read in a book is the letter ‘e’
  2. In America, we buy 57 books per second. It would take a shelf 78 miles long to hold all of one day's books.
  3. The most popular genre in the US right now is thrillers.
Hunger Games Facts
  1. It has been translated into 26 different languages.
  2. Suzanne Collins is the first children’s author to sell over a mil­lion Kin­dle eBooks 
  3. The hunger Games: 17.5 million copies sold; Catching Fire: 10 million copies sold; Mockingjay: 9 million copies sold

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