Thursday, April 26, 2012

Who is this girl, Liz?!

Who is Liz?

Hi, my name is Liz . Who is Liz ? I am ! I'm the new "JabberJay101" writer ! How cool is that ?! I know what you're thinking ! "What is this new girl doing here ?! I thought the writers were Aud, Krazy, Sprinkles, and India !" Well, you thought right. But the creator of "JabberJay101"(Aud) asked me if i wanted to be a writer for this blog ! How sweet is she ?! Very . She's my bestfriend ! So to get started on this blog, I decided that I would tell you 10 things about myself . Here we go !
1. I'm from Mexico ! (and yes I can speak Spanish)
2. (You guys are gonna hate me for this !) I don't like Peanut Butter ! It makes me sick !
3. I LOVE Justin Bieber and One Direction ! (My favorite type of music is mostly Pop)
4. I have a Youtube channel named "LizBieber101"
5. I LOVE and am OBSESSED with the Hunger Games !!! (TEAM PEETA) And I'm almost done with "Mockingjay" the 3rd book in the series !
6. I learned to run before I learned to walk ! Haha
7. Summer is my favorite season .
8.My favorite food is Chinese/Japenese Food
9. My nicknameis Taco, so you can call me Liz or Taco . I don't mind ! :)
10. My favorite colors are pink, lime green, teal or light blue, and purple !
Hope you enjoy having me ! See you real soon ! Bye !

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so now you'll let liz be a part of ur little group but not me? what great friends u r. (P.S. i have no problem with lizzay fizzay, but u guys never talk to me... like, ever, and now all of a sudden ur all buddy buddy with one of the few friends that i have left? r u trying to make me feel left out like u did before?)
