Saturday, April 14, 2012

Forgotten *Sneak Peek*

Here is page one of Forgotten!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            The only noise in the lab was the soft clinking noise of metal tools and test tubes. The latest chemical is being put through intense care and research, until a shocking discovery changed it all.

 “I Found IT! I Found IT!” screamed a short man with curly brown hair and deep brown eyes.

            “What is it Mr. Willand?”

            “I found the special power of Aboction!”

            “And what might that be?”

            “It’s a substance that can turn ghosts into immortal humans.”


Taking In

I watched the rain fall from the sky and onto the marsh land that I now have to call home. Mom says it’s not always like this, but how can I believe her? She promised we’d live in Texas forever. She promised we’d live in our big house with a perfect neighborhood forever. She promised Dad would be here, but he’s not.

            “Aubree, you can’t sit here all day. Now I know you’re at that stage, the 17 year old stage, and you think you can do whatever you want, but please go out. Have fun, meet friends. I want you to be happy.” My half-blind mom said behind me. One hand was secured around a laundry bin, while the other was patting my back. I shrugged her hand off gently.

            “Mom, it’s going to take a while for me to get used to West Virginia. It’s a land of beauty right? Might as well watch it, okay?”

            “Will you go to school tomorrow?” She asked urgently. I smiled and nodded. And with that my mom walked upstairs to finish unpacking. After a couple minutes of watching the rain pour, I got up to find my Spicy Cheetos. I practically live on these things, and I honestly do not know how I would live without them. Quietly munching on the snack, I turned on my cell phone, only to find the most annoying ex-boyfriend ever.

 This song goes along with the book perfectly. (It's not like Twilight, trust me)
Like or no????


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