Monday, April 2, 2012

StarStruck *MOVIE*

This movie definitely has to be one of my favorites! It's a Disney movie (of course) but I personally fell in love with this particular movie. Yes, it shows the trait of honesty throughout this movie, but it still makes me cry so much. It touches me, and it makes me more desperate. I think this movie has such an interesting story, but it's also a movie that's good enough for children over the age of 8. I think littler kids might try too much if we show them too much romance ;).
SUMMARY <3 I love this story!!!!
Jessica Olsen's sister Sarah Olsen has a huge obsession over pop-sensation Christopher Wilde. And an unmistakably coincidental visit to Hollywood, C.A. brings Sarah to more anticipation in meeting Christopher. Once at C.A. Sarah bargains Jessica to take her to
"Under 21" the club that Christopher Wilde sings, and spends most of his time at. Afterwards Jessica encounters Christopher and they soon become "friends." Christopher soon discovers that he has to choose his own life, he can't hides Jessica anymore, and he admits that he like Jessica. More things go on in between, like Christopher sinks Jessica's car, but I can't tell you much more! It will ruin the movie!
* I watch this movie on NetFlix. I don't know where else you can find this movie, but this is where I mostly watch movies. If you're a NetFlix fan, or just any particular movie fan, request a movie, and I PROMISE I'll get to it's review!

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