Friday, March 30, 2012

The Adventures of TinTin!! *MOVIE*

I think this was a good movie. I watched this with Sprinkles today, and I had also watched this with my cousin in New Jersey. The movie was interesting and it was an action-packed mystery. I think it deserves a standing ovation, and Herge' (the author of the comic books The adventures of TinTin) is a brilliant mystery writer. Personally, I never read the Sherlock Holmes series, so I don't know how good those are. (Don't Judge me I'm slow at books. I'm reading Twilight now...) But many of my friends that have watched the movie for TinTin and read all of the Sherlock Homes series, have told me TinTin was far better. I really like Pirate adventures so this story caught me instantly. It was that movie where I was on the edge of my seat, biting my nails, anxiously waiting for the revealing answer.
SUMMARY [Secret Of The Unicorn]
 TinTin is at the local market and discovers a model ship. He buys it and notices warnings and many people trying to buy it. The ship is named the Unicorn (duh). The moment TinTin got home, he wanted to discover what secrets the Unicorn must hold. He tries to find his magnify Glass, so he can inspect his ship, but Snowy (his white dog) chases around a cat and broke a part of the ship off. A cylindrical tube rolled under the cabinet and Snowy pushes it farther back. As the story continues TinTin gets kidnapped and he is sent to Kariboudjan, and he meets one of the Haddocks, the people who sailed the REAL Unicorn ships. Watch/ Read the story to find out what happens next!
This movie has violence and blood in it. We would not recommend it for kids under the age of 10.
I RATE THIS: ★★★★★☆(5/6)

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