Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hunger Games Movie Review

Hey guys!! If you saw Elena's last post you see what she thought of the movie. Well, I feel the same way. It was ok-ish but they left out SO MANY important parts that will effect Catching Fire and Mocking Jay. Here are some things the dumb writers left out:

  • Peeta is supposed to get a false leg at the end of the movie but never did.
  • Madge was supposed to give Katniss the mocking jay pin but in the movie she got if from the Hob
  • Haymitch was supposed to send Katniss sleeping syrup so she could get his medicine but he never did.
  • Katniss was supposed to thell Peeta she didn't like him at the end of the movie but she never did.
  • During the crowning The crown was supposed to split in half but instead there were two crowns.
  • Katniss wasn't immedeately supposed to find a source of water.
See the problem??

And WARNING: If you haven't read the book you probably will NOT understand the movie.


I rate it: ★★★☆☆☆

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