Saturday, March 31, 2012

Divergent *Book*

Sixteen year-old Beatrice is about to make the biggest choice of her life.  When you turn sixteen you get to choose a fraction.  Each fraction values a certain vertue that they believe saveds them.  Amity values kindness.  Candor values honesty.  Erudite values knowlege.  Aberation values selflessness.  Dauntless values courage.  But when she takes her aptitude test she is in for a big surprise. Beatrice is Divergent.  Being Divergent changes everything.  She can belong in four of the factions instead of one.  She must choose between her family (Aberation) and who she thinks she is (Dauntless).  This choice will change her life.  What is she chooses Dauntless? She might change her name to Tris, or get tatoos?  She might even find the love of her life!  Maybe she gets all three!  But what if she stays in Aberation?  She knows she would be safer there.  Would she rather be an empty shell of herself (factionless) or die?  Read to find out what happens when things take a dangerous turn.

I LOVE this book. I think Veronica Roth brought all of events in a great book to her story. I was constantly staying up until 3:00 in the morning just to see what happens!  I was almost crying (okay, maybe I was) by the time i got to the last page.  Overall I think Veronica did a great job, and I can't wait for Insurgent (book #2) to come out.

I RATE THIS: ★★★★★★ (6/6)

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