Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Lorax *MOVIE*

What a perfect way to celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday! I liked this movie a little bit. Not too much. The story was perfectly portrayed, and I like the characters as well. My favorite was O'Hare, the man who sold oxygen to the people of ThneedVille (I think).

 He's a little short guy, who does not like trees.
                 ...My Other Thoughts...
I thought that there could've been less music maybe? I mean they made a song about being bad... Not really a good thought to send into little kid's minds.. But I think if they cut off a little of that it would've been just nice. And I also thought that the fact that they broke the Onceler's story into parts was a little odd. They broke it up into three parts, and I think it would've been better with 2.  So yeah, I think it could've been better. It was still good, like I said.
It would be most age appropriate for kids UNDER THE AGE OF 12. But it's still a fun movie to watch. I watched it with my six year old brother so, yeah.

I RATE THIS: ★★★★☆☆(4/6)

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