Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Most Spoiling Spoiler EVER! (Catching Fire)

My class had to do a Book report on any book we like and write and 5 paragraph summary about it. My book was Catching Fire. BUT I MUST WARN YOU: This spoils the whole book so if you don't want any spoilers DO NOT READ!

Ok here it is it's longgggggg though!


The book I read was Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. The characters include Katniss, Peeta, Gale, Prim, Katniss’ mother, Haymitch, President Snow, Cinna, Finnick, Johanna, Mags, Plutarch Heavensbee, Wiress, and Beetee. The setting is Panem, which is a country that rose out of the ruins of America long ago with thirteen districts, but the Capitol destroyed the thirteenth one. The introduction is when Katniss and Peeta return home from the games as victors. Katniss is reunited with her best friend Gale who is now working in the mines but President snow visits Katniss and tells her that he will kill Gale if she doesn’t convince him she is in love with Peeta on the victory tour. Soon Peeta and Katniss’ prep teams come to get them ready for the tour.
The rising action in this story starts when they are on the tour. The first District they go to is District 11. In the last book, Katniss’ ally was from this District and when they visited them for the tour Katniss gave a long speech about her. Then, and old man whistles and the whole crowd gives Katniss a three-finger salute. When their speeches are over, Katniss stays behind and secretly witnesses the old man being shot in the head. Instantly rebellion against the Capitol has started. After going to ten other districts Peeta and Katniss go to the Capitol. There, Peeta proposes to Katniss and Katniss says yes for the crowd. While they were there President Snow told her that it wasn’t enough. After the tour is over Peeta and her go back to District 12. Soon everything had changed there. They had new, strict peacekeepers and Gale was whipped.  Everything changed. Katniss and Gale couldn’t even hunt anymore. Then the worst thing possible happened. President Snow announced the Quarter Quell (the 75th Hunger Games). President Snow says that two victors (a girl and a boy) from each district and that means that Katniss must go once again to the games. AT the reaping Katniss and Haymitch are called, but Peeta volunteers. At that moment, Katniss swore she would try to keep Peeta alive, even if it means her death. They go on a train to the Capitol to get ready for the opening ceremony. Cinna dresses up Katniss and Peeta in a costume that looks like burning coal. They stole the show and next they had to train for the Games. There they had a private session to impress the Gamemakers with what they could do with weapons. Katniss hung a mannequin and wrote Seneca Crane (the head Gamemaker who was executed last year) on it. Surprisingly both Peeta and Katniss got a score of twelve (the highest you can possibly get). Finally they had to have an interview. President Snow made Katniss where her wedding dress. But, Cinna didn’t like that and told her to twirl during the interview. When she does this, her dress turns into a mocking jay dress. Finally there is Peeta’s interview where he announces he and Katniss are married and Katniss is having a baby (even though neither of those are true).Katniss is shocked he said this but goes along with it.  Now, it’s time to get ready for the games.
The climax starts when Katniss is getting ready to enter the arena. She is all dressed and in her pod to take her up to the arena but then sees Cinna being beaten to death right in front of her eyes. After he is taken away, Katniss is sent up into the arena. The arena was half water, half rainforest, and the cornucopia was is the center. She soon gets the allies Finnick, Peeta, Mags, Johanna, Wiress, and Beetee. In all the action Peeta almost dies three times but Mags and a morphling die for him and Finnick saves him. Katniss gets suspicious about why they are doing this for Peeta. Wiress goes crazy and starts saying “Tick tock” continuously. Katniss figures out it means the arena is a clock and every hour something bad happens. There is poison mist, giant waves, evil monkeys, jabberjays, and lightning. Don’t forget there’s a big force field around the arena that will cook you to death if you touch it. But luckily sponsers (or so they think) keep sending them twenty-four little breads from District 3. Later on Katniss blacks out and can feel Johanna cutting her arm. She thinks Johanna is going to kill her. Then, she goes back to find Finnick and Peeta. She gets a knife and throws it through the force field.
The falling action starts when the Hunger Games ends. After Katniss threw that knife hovercrafts started appearing and taking up the tributes even though there wasn’t any victor. Katniss wakes up in the room for treating the tributes with Beetee in the same one. She tries to look for Peeta but instead sees Haymitch, Plutarch Heavensbee, and Finnick in a room talking. Haymitch explains to Katniss that Plutarch Heavensbee is part of a group to overthrow the Capitol. He also tells her that they were headed to District 13 and Johanna was cutting her arm to take the tracker out that the workers put in her arm earlier. Heavensbee then explains that the bread was a sign what time he would retrieve the tributes from the arena and take them to the ruins of District 13 and he told her that people were saving her and Peeta because she’s the mocking jay. She is the one they must keep alive to start a revolution. They must keep Peeta alive because Katniss wouldn’t be happy without him.
The conclusion begins when Katniss asks where Peeta is. Haymitch said he was retrieved from the capitol. Katniss scratches Haymitch out of anger. She runs from the room and falls asleep. When she wakes up she sees Gale above her. The book finally ends when Gale whispers to her, “Katniss, there is no District 12.

My Favorite Part

            My favorite part was the very end where Gale tells Katniss that District 12 no longer exist. He tells her because he loves her, he is her best friend.  I like this part because it leaves you wanting more. It makes you want to read the next book, Mocking Jay, more than you ever wanted to before. This part leaves you thinking and it ends it perfectly.

“Katniss,” Gale says softly.
I recognize that voice. It’s the same one he uses to approach wounded animals before he delivers a deathblow. I instinctively raise my hand to block his words but he catches it and holds on tightly.
But Gale is not one to keep secrets from me.
“Katniss, there is no District Twelve.”

What I thought of the Book

     Personally, I think this book was a great extension of the first one, Hunger Games.  I would recommend it to all the people who like the first book but not ones who have never read The Hunger Games. It held my interest and I am very excited to read the third, Mocking Jay. I enjoyed it because of all the action and romance but most of all, I love all the parts that weren’t expected and make you go, “OH MY GOSH!”  If I were to rate it out of six stars I would give it all six.

★★★★★★ (6/6)


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