Saturday, March 31, 2012

Crossed (Ally Condie) *BOOK*

In this sequel to Matched, Cassia is trying to find Ky by getting herself sent to the outer provinces as an aberration. Of course, she is an actual citizen, but is willing to jeopardize her citizenship status for true love. Ky has been fighting the attack on the Society for some time and has seen many people die around him. One day he decides to run for his freedom and takes two friends with him. Cassia arrives at the outer provinces to discover that Ky is gone or possibly dead, but she never loses hope. Instead, she tries to follow where she believes he might have gone in the hopes of finding him and the rebel organization fighting the Society. The journey is very difficult and some of the lies she was told by the Society threaten her life out in the wild. Can Ky and Cassie find each other against all odds? If they do find each other will they be able to rekindle the spark they once had or will their future goals pull them apart?

This installment of the story moves very slow and leaves many questions unanswered, which could frustrate the readers, because it sure frustrated me. Cassia does learn a few things about Ky’s past and the truth surrounding the attack on the Society that they do not want citizens to know about. However, there are still many things left unmentioned and favorite characters either don’t appear at all or only for short instances.  The book was not much like Matched, which I finished in a matter of hours. Crossed is a slow book, and I don't recommend it if you want quick page flipping books.  It did not impress me at all, and I did not like it as much.
I RATE THIS BOOK: ★★★☆☆☆(3/6)

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